Registered dietitians are regulated health professionals. They are qualified to assess nutritional needs and provide nutritional counselling using a holistic approach. Dietitians recommend therapeutic diets based on current and relevant research to promote individual and community health.
Using evidence-based practice, we provide dietary guidance based on your goals. We provide nutrition education and then, together with you, tailor a nutrition plan to your lifestyle. You will be supported with nutrition coaching as you put these goals into practice for sustainable results.
As a Registered Dietitian and Kinesiologist, Anna incorporates a multifaceted approach to guide you on your nutrition journey.
We offer in-person, telephone, and tele-nutrition services.
To help you get the most out of your initial appointment, you will be sent a pre-consultation form to complete beforehand. These forms help us to gain a better understanding of you and what we can help you with.
Your initial one-hour assessment will involve a thorough look at your goals, expectations, and medical history. We work together to ensure a full understanding and design a realistic plan suited to you.
In follow-up sessions we’ll focus on specific strategies, accountability, and further personalization to adapt your program to life’s unexpected turns.

A Personalized Approach
Planning Meals vs Meal Plans
Planning meals is an effective strategy to help us eat healthier, however generic meal plans do not take into consideration your likes, dislikes, cultural background, schedule, and lifestyle. We work with you to plan your meals based on the meals you already love, and modify them to fit with your health goals. In the long term you will learn to plan your meals in a healthy way with a consistent routine.
Follow Up Schedule Based On Your Needs
Everyone’s needs are different, and needs can change. We do not ask you to commit to a treatment package, we only recommend a follow up schedule that you require. No more, no less.
Areas of Focus
A diagnosis of diabetes often comes with the assumption of a strict, unappetizing lifelong food restriction. As a Certified Diabetes Educator, Anna works with you to manage your blood sugars focusing on simple, enjoyable and sustainable solutions.
IBS / Gastrointestinal Health
IBS or irritable bowel syndrome can cause symptoms including gas, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation, which can significantly impact your quality of life. Using short term trigger food eliminations and food challenges we identify the foods contributing to symptoms and help you plan a balanced diet without the problematic foods.
Food Cravings, Mindful Eating, and Food Relationships
Often we know what we should and shouldn’t be eating, but have a hard time making changes. This is a common experience for many people. Sometimes we have cravings for physiological or emotional reasons when we aren’t meeting our underlying needs, and these cravings can be incredibly strong. We help you to listen to and identify the emotional triggers related to food cravings, explore the foods your body is asking for, and identify which nutrients your body requires. Once the reasons for cravings are understood we can use strategies to manage them including changes in meal timing, grouping foods, and learning to eat without guilt.
Chronic Disease Management
Nutrition is an important aspect in the prevention and management of many chronic diseases
Heart Health
Kidney disease
High cholesterol
High blood pressure
Liver disease
Many other chronic diseases which are not directly related to nutrition can often be benefited by ensuring your nutrition needs are met.

“Dietitians translate the science of nutrition into terms you can understand. They unlock food’s potential and support healthy living for their patients, clients, and communities. A dietitian would not just hand you a diet or a list of foods not to eat and send you on your way, or promote or sell you unnecessary food or supplements. Dietitians look beyond fads and gimmicks to deliver reliable, life-changing advice tailored to your objectives as well as personal needs and challenges.”
- Dietitians of Canada